Jozef Splichal I Syn of Krakowie (Poland) Side by Side Boxlock Hammerless Shotgun,
Made in Belgium
Serial no. 23269, 12 gauge, full choke barrels measuring 29 1/2-inches, with matted
rib; side clips on recoil shields; automatic safety; ejectors; double triggers; Belgian
proofmarks, 'Nelson Nickel Steel' inscribed on bottom of right barrel; blued finish, with
floral engraved, gray finish breech, engraving to match on floorplate and triggerguard.
Varnished select walnut stocks, with splinter forend, Anson & Deeley button stock
release; cushioned Pachmayr buttpad. Silver escutcheon on bottom of buttstock, with
aristocratic crown motif engraved over PS monogram. Splichal maker name and address
engraved on barrels.
Condition: Very good to fine; 950 blue on barrel, with patina; bores
fine; old revarnish to stocks; buttpad aftermarket. 15-25% blue on
Estimate: $1500 - $2500