''The Royal Presentation'' Gold Inlaid, Engraved and Cased Frank Malin .410 Sidelock
Shotgun Commemorating the Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer
Serial no. 81003, .410 gauge, 27 3/4-inch side-by-side barrels, the matted and fine
British scroll-engraved solid rib gold inlaid: "F.E. Malin, London, Ont."; full
and improved chokes; case-hardened breech with gold inlaid borders; gold floral motifs on
each sidelock, accompanied by engraved fine scroll; gold inlaid low relief crown motif on
bottom of frame surrounded by gold inlaid inscription: THE ROYAL PRESENTATION; double
triggers; brass bead front sight; extractors; manual safety; rib on right side of
triggerguard bow. Oil-finished and checkered select walnut stocks; splinter fore-end,
checkered butt; gold oval escutcheon inlaid on bottom of butt. Length of pull 14
7/8-inches. Weight of approximately 5 lbs. Brassbound oak and leather case with Frank E.
Malin & Son label; lined in blue velvet; snapcaps, oil bottle, three horn-handled
screwdrivers; wood cleaning rod with cleaning tips; case key.
Condition: Excellent. Minor nick on left barrel near muzzle. Case and
accessories excellent. Gun appears unused. Minor bug damage to screwdriver handles. Minor
marks on case exterior.
Accompanied by copy of Boswell/Malin Practical Gun and Rifle Makers catalogue, in which
an example of The Royal Presentation is pictured in color
Estimate: $8000 - $12000