"NORTH VIETNAMESE MODIFIED TYPE 50 SUB MACHINE GUN. SN 5879. Cal. 7.62mm. Although a transferable machine gun, this gun was deactivated and has yet to be made serviceable. 10-1/2" bbl w/ hooded front sight adjustable for elevation, flip-up rear peep sight w/ 2 settings, collapsible skeleton wire stock, plain wood pistol grip, 1 magazine, and tan canvas sling is included. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Currently unserviceable. It appears the most prominent means of deactivation is some type of metal plug in the chamber, possible brazing or welding, connected to a metal rod that runs the entire length of the bbl, but is much smaller in diameter, and appears to be connected only to the chamber plug. Also, bolt locking stud is missing. Metal retains a fair amount of orig. finish although rough workmanship apparent, with normal handling and usage wear. 4-34657 JZ10 (10,000-14,000)"
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