"NORTH VIETNAMESE TYPE 50 MODIFIED SUB MACHINE GUN. SN 2240. Cal. 7.92 mm. 10-1/2" bbl. Elevation adjustable hooded front post sight, flip type rear peep sight, checkered wooden pistol grip, collapsible skeletal rear stock, and tan canvas sling. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Currently unserviceable although paperwork indicates this is a transferable registered machine gun. It appears to be rendered unserviceable by plugging the breech. Everything else seems to be correct and functional. Select fire open bolt mechanism functions smooth in semi, and full. Metal retains little of it's orig. finish, and most is a light patina w/ a few dings and scratches. Collapsible stock functions well. Wooden pistol grip is well weathered but appears integrally solid. 4-34658 JZ20 (8,000-12,000)"
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