Rare and Historic U.S. Martial Rappahannock Forge Revolutionary War Flintlock Light
Dragoon Pistol, with SCHREIDER Barrel Marking, c. 1776-77, together with Collection of
Excavated Relics Recovered From the Site of the Original Rappahannock Forge
.69 caliber, 8 13/16-inch round barrel, marked SCHREIDER within engraved borders on top
of breech; lock with engraved borders and inscribed RAPA FORGE; interior of lock mechanism
stamped: IE and IP; brass mountings, including border-engraved large sideplate; light
floral engraving on triggerguard; brass ferrules; American black walnut stock [see
accompanying letter]; hickory ramrod. Lot accompanied by collection of numerous excavated
artifacts allegedly from the original site of J. Hunter's Rappahannock Forge and a
voluminous provenance, research and correspondence file on the pistol and the forge from
the prior owners of the pistol. According to a letter included in the provenance file, the
excavated relics were recovered in 1964 by Mr. James Wertenberger with permission from the
then owner of the site of the famous forge, Mrs. Blaisdel. The items include: 1)
"T"-shaped brick. 2) Pewter bar. 3) Jew's harp. 4) Large balderic buckle. 5)
Glass bottleneck. 6) Small brass weight. 7) Brass buckle. 8) Curved pistol lock. 9) Pewter
spoon fragment. 10) Small pewter spoon with broken handle.
Condition: Very good. Brown patina to steel, with pitting; dented
ramrod ferrules; old refacing to frizzen; stock with old cleaning; restoration to front
section of fore-end; replacement hammer of same vintage as pistol.
Note: Only approximately nine examples known of this type pistol, but most with Hunter
barrel marking, rather than Schreider. Note styling of sideplate reminiscent of Kentucky
Rifles of that period.
Provenance: H. Mercer 1908
Donald Mercer 1955
Al Goldberg 1967
Walter J. O'Connor 1967
James M. Wertenberger 1974
See Smith and Bitter U.S. Martial pistols book, pages 50-60; Schreider pistol pictured
and described on pages 52-53. Also a letter published in the August, 1967 issue of The Gun
Report, p. 63, mentions this exact pistol.
The Rappahannock Forge was established in June, 1775, by an Act of the Virginia
Assembly, on the Rappahannock River near Falmouth. The forge made flintlock pistols and
muskets for the Virgina Militia, was dismantled around May 30, 1781 to avoid destruction
by British Col. Banastre Tarleton's raiders.
Estimate: $125000 - $175000